Thursday, April 29, 2010

english language domination

The large amount of English newspapers that are being printed in Europe reflects the quickly growing expansion of the English language all over the world. English has rapidly begun permeating the world as many foreigners are becoming familiar with the English language.

As an American, I can travel to almost any nation and most likely be able to get away with speaking just English. Many of the citizens (some countries exempt of course) are especially fascinated by the English language and/or want to try to test their English skills on a native speaker. An example that comes to mind is in China, when I travelled to rural China and told the citizens of Shantou that I spoke English. They got extremely excited and began their attempt as broken English. They were extremely proud of themselves and began asking me to translate everything around them, imitating me with their very strong Chinese accents.

Their actions (the excitement they exuded when they found out I could speak English) shows the growing popularity of the language all over the world. Speaking English is not just a skill but rather a commodity that everyone wants to be able to have. The domination of the English language reflects the power of the nations who use it as the main language. As the language begins to permeated into other nations whose native language is not english, the danger of losing the native tongue is always at risk.

However, it is amazing that a language can dominate over others and that the world, which is very diverse and large, can be dominated by a single language. The amazing aspect of society is that language is such a big influence among the world and that one language has the ability to override others.

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